Source code for skywriter

import atexit
import threading
import time
from sys import exit, version_info

    from smbus import SMBus
except ImportError:
    if version_info[0] < 3:
        exit("This library requires python-smbus\nInstall with: sudo apt-get install python-smbus")
    elif version_info[0] == 3:
        exit("This library requires python3-smbus\nInstall with: sudo apt-get install python3-smbus")

    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except ImportError:
    exit("This library requires the RPi.GPIO module\nInstall with: sudo pip install RPi.GPIO")

__version__ = '0.0.7'

SW_ADDR = 0x42


SW_DATA_DSP = 0b0000000000000001
SW_DATA_GESTURE = 0b0000000000000010
SW_DATA_TOUCH = 0b0000000000000100
SW_DATA_AIRWHEEL = 0b0000000000001000
SW_DATA_XYZ = 0b0000000000010000


i2c_bus = 0

    i2c_bus = 1

i2c = SMBus(i2c_bus)
GPIO.setup(SW_XFER_PIN, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)

x = 0.0
y = 0.0
z = 0.0
rotation = 0.0
_lastrotation = 0.0
gesture = 0

io_error_count = 0

_worker = None
_on_flick = None
_on_move = None
_on_airwheel = []
_on_touch = {}
_on_touch_repeat = {}
_on_touch_last = {}
_on_garbage = None
_on_circle = {}

def millis():
    return int(round(time.time() * 1000))

def reset():
    time.sleep(.5) # Datasheet delay of 200ms plus change

[docs]class StoppableThread(threading.Thread): '''Basic stoppable thread wrapper Adds Event for stopping the execution loop and exiting cleanly. ''' def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.stop_event = threading.Event() self.daemon = True def start(self): if self.isAlive() == False: self.stop_event.clear() threading.Thread.start(self) def stop(self): if self.isAlive() == True: # set event to signal thread to terminate self.stop_event.set() # block calling thread until thread really has terminated self.join()
[docs]class AsyncWorker(StoppableThread): '''Basic thread wrapper class for asyncronously running functions Basic thread wrapper class for running functions asyncronously. Return False from your function to abort looping. ''' def __init__(self, todo): StoppableThread.__init__(self) self.todo = todo def run(self): while self.stop_event.is_set() == False: if self.todo() == False: self.stop_event.set() break
def _handle_sensor_data(data): global _lastrotation, rotation d_configmask = data.pop(0) | data.pop(0) << 8 d_timestamp = data.pop(0) # 200hz, 8-bit counter, max ~1.25sec d_sysinfo = data.pop(0) d_dspstatus = data[0:2] d_gesture = data[2:6] d_touch = data[6:10] d_airwheel = data[10:12] d_xyz = data[12:20] d_noisepow = data[20:24] if d_configmask & SW_DATA_XYZ and d_sysinfo & 0b0000001: # We have xyz info, and it's valid x, y, z = ( (d_xyz[1] << 8 | d_xyz[0]) / 65536.0, (d_xyz[3] << 8 | d_xyz[2]) / 65536.0, (d_xyz[5] << 8 | d_xyz[4]) / 65536.0 ) if callable(_on_move): _on_move(x, y, z) if d_configmask & SW_DATA_GESTURE and not d_gesture[0] == 0: # We have a gesture! is_edge = (d_gesture[3] & 0b00000001) > 0 gestures = [ ('garbage','',''), ('flick','west','east'), ('flick','east','west'), ('flick','south','north'), ('flick','north','south'), ('circle','clockwise',''), ('circle','counter-clockwise','') ] for i,gesture in enumerate(gestures): if d_gesture[0] == i + 1: if gesture[0] == 'flick' and callable(_on_flick): _on_flick(gesture[1], gesture[2]) break if d_configmask & SW_DATA_TOUCH: # We have a touch d_action = d_touch[1] << 8 | d_touch[0] d_touchcount = d_touch[2] * 5 # Time to touch in ms actions = [ ('touch','south'), ('touch','west'), ('touch','north'), ('touch','east'), ('touch','center'), ('tap','south'), ('tap','west'), ('tap','north'), ('tap','east'), ('tap','center'), ('doubletap','south'), ('doubletap','west'), ('doubletap','north'), ('doubletap','east'), ('doubletap','center') ] comp = 0b0000000000000001 << len(actions)-1 for action in reversed(actions): if d_action & comp: handle_touch = False if action[0] in _on_touch.keys() and action[1] in _on_touch[action[0]].keys(): if not action[0] in _on_touch_last.keys(): _on_touch_last[action[0]] = {} handle_touch = True if not action[1] in _on_touch_last[action[0]].keys(): _on_touch_last[action[0]][action[1]] = None handle_touch = True elif (millis() - _on_touch_last[action[0]][action[1]]) >= 1000.0 / _on_touch_repeat[action[0]][action[1]]: handle_touch = True if callable(_on_touch[action[0]][action[1]]) and handle_touch: _on_touch[action[0]][action[1]]() _on_touch_last[action[0]][action[1]] = millis() if action[0] in _on_touch.keys() and 'all' in _on_touch[action[0]].keys(): if not action[0] in _on_touch_last.keys(): _on_touch_last[action[0]] = {} handle_touch = True if not 'all' in _on_touch_last[action[0]].keys(): _on_touch_last[action[0]]['all'] = None handle_touch = True elif (millis() - _on_touch_last[action[0]]['all']) >= 1000.0 / _on_touch_repeat[action[0]]['all']: handle_touch = True if callable(_on_touch[action[0]]['all']) and handle_touch: _on_touch[action[0]]['all'](action[1]) _on_touch_last[action[0]]['all'] = millis() break comp = comp >> 1 if d_configmask & SW_DATA_AIRWHEEL and d_sysinfo & 0b00000010: # Airwheel delta = (d_airwheel[0] - _lastrotation) / 32.0 # Delta is in degrees, with 1 = full 360 degree rotation # Positive numbers equal clockwise delta, negative are counter-clockwise if delta != 0 and delta > -0.5 and delta < 0.5: if callable(_on_airwheel): _on_airwheel(delta * 360.0) rotation += delta if rotation < 0: rotation = 0 if rotation > 1000: rotation = 1000 _lastrotation = d_airwheel[0] def _handle_status_info(data): error = data[7] << 8 | data[6] def _handle_firmware_info(data): print('Got firmware info') d_fw_valid = data.pop(0) d_hw_rev = data.pop(0) | data.pop(0) << 8 d_param_st = data.pop(0) d_loader_version = [ data.pop(0), data.pop(0), data.pop(0) ], d_fw_st = data.pop(0) d_fw_version = ''.join(map(chr,data)) print(d_fw_version) if d_fw_valid == 0: raise Exception("No valid GestIC Library could be located") if d_fw_valid == 0x0A: raise Exception("An invalid GestiIC Library was stored, or the last update failed") def _do_poll(): global io_error_count time.sleep(0.001) if not GPIO.input(SW_XFER_PIN): ''' Assert transfer line low to ensure MGC3130 doesn't update data buffers ''' GPIO.setup(SW_XFER_PIN, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.LOW) try: data = i2c.read_i2c_block_data(SW_ADDR, 0x00, 26) io_error_count = 0 except IOError: io_error_count += 1 if io_error_count > 10: raise Exception("Skywriter encoutered nore than 10 consecutive I2C IO errors!") return d_size = data.pop(0) d_flags = data.pop(0) d_seq = data.pop(0) d_ident = data.pop(0) if d_ident == 0x91: _handle_sensor_data(data) elif d_ident == 0x15: _handle_status_info(data) elif d_ident == 0x83: _handle_firmware_info(data) else: pass GPIO.setup(SW_XFER_PIN, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) def _start_poll(): global _worker if _worker == None: _worker = AsyncWorker(_do_poll) _worker.start() def _stop_poll(): global _worker _worker.stop() def get_arg(args, arg, default = None): if arg in args.keys(): return args[arg] return default
[docs]def flick(*args, **kwargs): '''Bind flick event''' def register(handler): global _on_flick _on_flick = handler return register
[docs]def touch(*args, **kwargs): '''Bind touch event :param repeat_rate: Max number of times/second to fire the touch event :param position: Position of touch to watch- north, south, east, west, center ''' global _on_touch, _on_touch_repeat t_position = get_arg(kwargs, 'position', 'all') t_repeat_rate = get_arg(kwargs, 'repeat_rate', 4) if not 'touch' in _on_touch.keys(): _on_touch['touch'] = {} if not 'touch' in _on_touch_repeat.keys(): _on_touch_repeat['touch'] = {} def register(handler): global _on_touch, _on_touch_repeat _on_touch['touch'][t_position] = handler _on_touch_repeat['touch'][t_position] = t_repeat_rate return register
[docs]def tap(*args, **kwargs): '''Bind tap event :param repeat_rate: Max number of times/second to fire the touch event :param position: Position of tap to watch- north, south, east, west, center ''' global _on_touch, _on_touch_repeat t_position = get_arg(kwargs, 'position', 'all') t_repeat_rate = get_arg(kwargs, 'repeat_rate', 4) if not 'tap' in _on_touch.keys(): _on_touch['tap'] = {} if not 'tap' in _on_touch_repeat.keys(): _on_touch_repeat['tap'] = {} def register(handler): global _on_touch, _on_touch_repeat _on_touch['tap'][t_position] = handler _on_touch_repeat['tap'][t_position] = t_repeat_rate return register
[docs]def double_tap(*args, **kwargs): '''Bind double tap event :param repeat_rate: Max number of times/second to fire the double tap event :param position: Position of double tap to watch- north, south, east, west, center ''' global _on_touch, _on_touch_repeat t_position = get_arg(kwargs, 'position', 'all') t_repeat_rate = get_arg(kwargs, 'repeat_rate', 4) if not 'doubletap' in _on_touch.keys(): _on_touch['doubletap'] = {} if not 'doubletap' in _on_touch_repeat.keys(): _on_touch_repeat['doubletap'] = {} def register(handler): global _on_touch _on_touch['doubletap'][t_position] = handler _on_touch_repeat['doubletap'][t_position] = t_repeat_rate return register
[docs]def garbage(): '''Bind an action to the "garbage" gesture A sort of grab-and-throw-away-garbage above the Skywriter ''' def register(handler): global _on_garbage _on_garbage = handler return register
[docs]def move(): '''Bind an action to move The handler will receive x, y and z values describing the tracked finger in 3D space above the Skywriter. ''' def register(handler): global _on_move _on_move = handler return register
[docs]def airwheel(): '''Bind an action to the "airhweel" gesture Point your finger at the Skywriter and spin it in a wheel The handler will receive a rotation delta in degrees ''' def register(handler): global _on_airwheel _on_airwheel = handler return register
def _exit(): _stop_poll() if GPIO != None: GPIO.cleanup() atexit.register(_exit) reset() i2c.write_i2c_block_data(SW_ADDR, 0xa1, [0b00000000, 0b00011111, 0b00000000, 0b00011111]) _start_poll()