from sys import exit, version_info
import smbus
except ImportError:
if version_info[0] < 3:
raise ImportError("This library requires python-smbus\nInstall with: sudo apt-get install python-smbus")
elif version_info[0] == 3:
raise ImportError("This library requires python3-smbus\nInstall with: sudo apt-get install python3-smbus")
from .font import font
from .IS31FL3730 import IS31FL3730, I2cConstants
__version__ = '0.0.7'
ROTATE_180 = True
controller = None
def _get_controller():
global controller
if controller is None:
controller = IS31FL3730(smbus, font)
return controller
[docs]def set_rotate(value):
"""Set the rotation of Scroll pHAT
:param value: Rotate 180 degrees: True/False
# The public interface maintains compatibility with previous singleton
# pattern.
def rotate5bits(x):
[docs]def update():
"""Update Scroll pHAT with the current buffer"""
[docs]def set_buffer(buf):
"""Overwrite the buffer
:param buf: One dimensional array of int: 0 to 31 - pixels are 1,2,4,8,16 and 1 is top-most pixel
[docs]def set_brightness(brightness):
"""Set the brightness of Scroll pHAT
:param brightness: Brightness value: 0 to 255
[docs]def set_col(x, value):
"""Set a single column in the buffer
:param x: Position of column to set, buffer will auto-expand if necessary
:param value: Value to set: 0 to 31 - pixels are 1,2,4,8,16 and 1 is top-most pixel
_get_controller().set_col(x, value)
[docs]def write_string( chars, x = 0):
"""Write a text string to the buffer
:param chars: Text string to write
:param x: Left offset in pixels
[docs]def graph(values, low=None, high=None):
"""Write a bar graph to the buffer
:param values: List of values to display
:param low: Lowest possible value (default min(values))
:param high: Highest possible value (default max(values))
_get_controller().graph(values, low, high)
[docs]def buffer_len():
"""Returns the length of the internal buffer"""
return _get_controller().buffer_len()
[docs]def clear_buffer():
"""Clear just the buffer, do not update Scroll pHAT"""
[docs]def clear():
"""Clear the buffer, and then update Scroll pHAT"""
[docs]def load_font(new_font):
"""Replace the internal font array
The font is a dictionary of lists, keyed on character ordinal.
For example, space ' ' would have the key 32 (ord(' ')).
Each list includes one or more numbers between 0 and 31, these
numbers specify which pixels in that column will be on.
Each pixel is assigned a bit, either: 1, 2, 4, 8 or 16.
1 is the top-most pixel (nearest the header) and 16 the bottom-most.
A value of 17 would light the top and bottom pixels.
[docs]def io_errors():
"""Return the internal count of IO Error events"""
return _get_controller().io_errors()
[docs]def set_pixel(x,y,value):
"""Turn a specific pixel on or off
:param x: The horizontal position of the pixel
:param y: The vertical position of the pixel: 0 to 4
:param value: On/Off state: True/False
[docs]def set_pixels(handler, auto_update=False):
"""Use a pixel shader function to set 11x5 pixels
Useful for displaying patterns and animations, or the result of simple functions. For example::
scrollphat.set_pixels(lambda x, y: (x + y) % 2, True)
Will display a check pattern.
:param handler: A function which accepts an x and y position, and returns True or False
:param auto_update: Whether to update Scroll pHAT after setting all pixels (default False)
for x in range(11):
for y in range(5):
set_pixel(x, y, handler(x, y))
if auto_update: