Source code for phatbeat

import atexit
import time
from threading import Thread
from sys import exit

    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except ImportError:
    exit("This library requires the RPi.GPIO module\nInstall with: sudo pip install RPi.GPIO")

__version__ = '0.0.1'

DAT = 23
CLK = 24



pixels = [[0,0,0,BRIGHTNESS]] * NUM_PIXELS

_button_handlers = {}
_button_repeat = {}

_button_hold_time = {}
_button_hold_handlers = {}
_button_hold_repeat = {}

_use_threading = False

_clear_on_exit = True

def _exit():
    if _clear_on_exit:

def use_threading(value=True):
    global _use_threading
    _use_threading = value

[docs]def hold(buttons, handler=None, repeat=True, hold_time=2): """Attach a handler function to holding or more buttons. Can be used as a decorator, or optionally supplied a handler param. :param buttons: Individual button pin or list of pins to watch :param handler: Optional handler function :param repeat: Whether the handler should be repeated if the button is held :param hold_time: How long (in seconds) the button should be held before triggering """ buttons = buttons if isinstance(buttons, list) else [buttons] for button in buttons: _button_hold_repeat[button] = repeat _button_hold_time[button] = hold_time if handler is not None: for button in buttons: _button_hold_handlers[button] = handler else: def attach_handler(handler): for button in buttons: _button_hold_handlers[button] = handler return attach_handler
[docs]def on(buttons, handler=None, repeat=True): """Attach a handler function to one or more buttons. Can be used as a decorator, or optionally supplied a handler param. :param buttons: Individual button pin or list of pins to watch :param handler: Optional handler function :param repeat: Whether the handler should be repeated if the button is held """ buttons = buttons if isinstance(buttons, list) else [buttons] for button in buttons: _button_repeat[button] = repeat if handler is not None: for button in buttons: _button_handlers[button] = handler else: def attach_handler(handler): for button in buttons: _button_handlers[button] = handler return attach_handler
[docs]def set_brightness(brightness, channel = None): """Set the brightness of all pixels :param brightness: Brightness: 0.0 to 1.0 """ if brightness < 0 or brightness > 1: raise ValueError("Brightness should be between 0.0 and 1.0") if channel is None or channel == 0: for x in range(CHANNEL_PIXELS): pixels[x][3] = int(31.0 * brightness) & 0b11111 if channel is None or channel == 1: for x in range(CHANNEL_PIXELS): pixels[x + (CHANNEL_PIXELS)][3] = int(31.0 * brightness) & 0b11111
[docs]def clear(channel = None): """Clear the pixel buffer""" if channel is None or channel == 0: for x in range(CHANNEL_PIXELS): pixels[x][0:3] = [0,0,0] if channel is None or channel == 1: for x in range(CHANNEL_PIXELS): pixels[x + (CHANNEL_PIXELS)][0:3] = [0,0,0]
def _write_byte(byte): for x in range(8): GPIO.output(DAT, byte & 0b10000000) GPIO.output(CLK, 1) byte <<= 1 GPIO.output(CLK, 0) # Emit exactly enough clock pulses to latch the small dark die APA102s which are weird # for some reason it takes 36 clocks, the other IC takes just 4 (number of pixels/2) def _eof(): GPIO.output(DAT, 0) for x in range(36): GPIO.output(CLK, 1) GPIO.output(CLK, 0) def _sof(): GPIO.output(DAT,0) for x in range(32): GPIO.output(CLK, 1) GPIO.output(CLK, 0) def _handle_button(pin): if _use_threading: Thread(target=_do_handle_button, args=(pin,)).start() else: _do_handle_button(pin) def _handle_hold(pin): if pin in _button_hold_handlers.keys() and callable(_button_hold_handlers[pin]): if _button_hold_time[pin] > 0: t_hold = _button_hold_time[pin] t_end = time.time() + t_hold while time.time() < t_end: if GPIO.input(pin): return False time.sleep(0.001) _button_hold_handlers[pin](pin) return True def _do_handle_button(pin): if _handle_hold(pin): return if pin in _button_handlers.keys() and callable(_button_handlers[pin]): _button_handlers[pin](pin) if not _button_repeat[pin]: return delay = 0.25 ramp_rate = 0.90 t_delay = 0.5 t_end = time.time() + t_delay while time.time() < t_end: if GPIO.input(pin): return time.sleep(0.001) while not GPIO.input(pin): _button_handlers[pin](pin) time.sleep(delay) delay *= ramp_rate delay = max(0.01, delay)
[docs]def show(): """Output the buffer to the displays""" _sof() for pixel in pixels: r, g, b, brightness = pixel _write_byte(0b11100000 | brightness) _write_byte(b) _write_byte(g) _write_byte(r) _eof()
[docs]def set_all(r, g, b, brightness=None, channel=None): """Set the RGB value and optionally brightness of all pixels If you don't supply a brightness value, the last value set for each pixel be kept. :param r: Amount of red: 0 to 255 :param g: Amount of green: 0 to 255 :param b: Amount of blue: 0 to 255 :param brightness: Brightness: 0.0 to 1.0 (default around 0.2) :param channel: Optionally specify which bar to set: 0 or 1 """ if channel is None or channel == 0: for x in range(CHANNEL_PIXELS): set_pixel(x, r, g, b, brightness) if channel is None or channel == 1: for x in range(CHANNEL_PIXELS): set_pixel(x + (CHANNEL_PIXELS), r, g, b, brightness)
[docs]def set_pixel(x, r, g, b, brightness=None, channel=None): """Set the RGB value, and optionally brightness, of a single pixel If you don't supply a brightness value, the last value will be kept. :param x: The horizontal position of the pixel: 0 to 7 :param r: Amount of red: 0 to 255 :param g: Amount of green: 0 to 255 :param b: Amount of blue: 0 to 255 :param brightness: Brightness: 0.0 to 1.0 (default around 0.2) :param channel: Optionally specify which bar to set: 0 or 1 """ if brightness is None: brightness = pixels[x][3] else: brightness = int(31.0 * brightness) & 0b11111 if channel in [0, 1]: if x >= CHANNEL_PIXELS: raise ValueError("Index should be < {} when displaying on a specific channel".format(CHANNEL_PIXELS)) x += channel * (CHANNEL_PIXELS) if x >= CHANNEL_PIXELS: x = NUM_PIXELS - 1 - (x - CHANNEL_PIXELS) pixels[x] = [int(r) & 0xff,int(g) & 0xff,int(b) & 0xff,brightness]
[docs]def set_clear_on_exit(value=True): """Set whether the displays should be cleared upon exit By default the displays will turn off on exit, but calling:: phatbeat.set_clear_on_exit(False) Will ensure that it does not. :param value: True or False (default True) """ global _clear_on_exit _clear_on_exit = value
atexit.register(_exit) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setup([DAT,CLK],GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(BUTTONS, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) for button in BUTTONS: GPIO.add_event_detect(button, GPIO.FALLING, callback=_handle_button, bouncetime=200)