Source code for mote

import time
from sys import exit

    import serial
except ImportError:
    exit("This library requires the serial module\nInstall with: sudo pip install pyserial")

__version__ = '0.0.3'

VID = 0x16d0
PID = 0x08c4
NAME = 'Mote USB Dock'


[docs]class Mote: """Represents a connected Mote device, communicating over USB serial. The Mote class allows you to configure the 4 channels and set individual pixels. It will attach to the first available Mote device unless `port_name` is specified at init. :param port_name: Override auto-detect and specify an explicit port to use. Must be a complete path ie: /dev/tty.usbmodem1234 (default None) """ def __init__(self, port_name=None): self.port_name = port_name self._channels = [None] * 4 self._channel_flags = [0] * 4 if self.port_name is None: self.port_name = self._find_serial_port(VID, PID, NAME) if self.port_name is None: raise IOError("Unable to find Mote device") self.port = serial.Serial(self.port_name, 115200, timeout=1) def _find_serial_port(self, vid, pid, name): """Find a serial port by VID, PID and text name :param vid: USB vendor ID to locate :param pid: USB product ID to locate :param name: USB device name to find where VID/PID match fails """ check_for = "USB VID:PID={vid:04x}:{pid:04x}".format(vid=vid,pid=pid).upper() ports = for check_port in ports: if hasattr(,'list_ports_common'): if (check_port.vid, == (VID, PID): return check_port.device continue if check_for in check_port[2].upper() or name == check_port[1]: return check_port[0] return None
[docs] def configure_channel(self, channel, num_pixels, gamma_correction=False): """Configure a channel :param channel: Channel, either 1, 2, 3 or 4 corresponding to numbers on Mote :param num_pixels: Number of pixels to configure for this channel :param gamma_correction: Whether to enable gamma correction (default False) """ if channel > 4 or channel < 1: raise ValueError("Channel index must be between 1 and 4") if num_pixels > MAX_PIXELS_PER_CHANNEL: raise ValueError("Number of pixels can not be more than {max}".format(max=MAX_PIXELS_PER_CHANNEL)) self._channels[channel - 1] = [(0,0,0)] * num_pixels self._channel_flags[channel -1] = 1 if gamma_correction else 0 buf = bytearray() buf.append(channel) buf.append(num_pixels) buf.append(self._channel_flags[channel -1]) self.port.write(b'mote') self.port.write(b'c') self.port.write(buf)
[docs] def get_pixel_count(self, channel): """Get the number of pixels a channel is configured to use :param channel: Channel, either 1, 2 3 or 4 corresponding to numbers on Mote """ if channel > 4 or channel < 1: raise ValueError("Channel index must be between 1 and 4") if self._channels[channel-1] is None: raise ValueError("Channel {channel} has not been set up".format(channel=channel)) return len(self._channels[channel-1])
[docs] def get_pixel(self, channel, index): """Get the RGB colour of a single pixel, on a single channel :param channel: Channel, either 1, 2, 3 or 4 corresponding to numbers on Mote :param index: Index of pixel to set, from 0 up """ if channel > 4 or channel < 1: raise ValueError("Channel index must be between 1 and 4") if self._channels[channel-1] is None: raise ValueError("Please set up channel {channel} before using it".format(channel=channel)) if index >= len(self._channels[channel-1]): raise ValueError("Pixel index must be < {length}".format(length=len(self._channels[channel-1]))) return self._channels[channel-1][index]
[docs] def set_pixel(self, channel, index, r, g, b): """Set the RGB colour of a single pixel, on a single channel :param channel: Channel, either 1, 2, 3 or 4 corresponding to numbers on Mote :param index: Index of pixel to set, from 0 up :param r: Amount of red: 0-255 :param g: Amount of green: 0-255 :param b: Amount of blue: 0-255 """ if channel > 4 or channel < 1: raise ValueError("Channel index must be between 1 and 4") if self._channels[channel-1] is None: raise ValueError("Please set up channel {channel} before using it!".format(channel=channel)) if index >= len(self._channels[channel-1]): raise ValueError("Pixel index must be < {length}".format(length=len(self._channels[channel-1]))) self._channels[channel-1][index] = (r & 0xff, g & 0xff, b & 0xff)
[docs] def clear(self, channel=None): """Clear the buffer of a specific or all channels :param channel: If set, clear a specific channel, otherwise all (default None) """ if channel is None: for index, data in enumerate(self._channels): if data is not None: self.clear(index+1) return if channel > 4 or channel < 1: raise ValueError("Channel index must be between 1 and 4") if self._channels[channel-1] is None: raise ValueError("Please set up channel {channel} before using it!".format(channel=channel)) self._channels[channel-1] = [(0,0,0)] * len(self._channels[channel-1])
[docs] def show(self): """Send the pixel buffer to the hardware""" buf = bytearray() for index, data in enumerate(self._channels): if data is None: continue for pixel in data: buf.append(pixel[2]) buf.append(pixel[1]) buf.append(pixel[0]) self.port.write(b'mote') self.port.write(b'o') self.port.write(buf)
def __exit__(self): self.port.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb mote = Mote() num_pixels = 16 mote.configure_channel(1, num_pixels, False) mote.configure_channel(2, num_pixels, False) mote.configure_channel(3, num_pixels, False) mote.configure_channel(4, num_pixels, False) colors = [ (255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 255) ] try: for step in range(4): for channel in range(4): for pixel in range(num_pixels): r, g, b = colors[channel] mote.set_pixel(channel + 1, pixel, r, g, b) time.sleep(0.01) colors.append(colors.pop(0)) for step in range(170): for channel in range(4): for pixel in range(num_pixels): r, g, b = [int(c * 0.99) for c in mote.get_pixel(channel + 1, pixel)] mote.set_pixel(channel + 1, pixel, r, g, b) time.sleep(0.001) brightness = 0 for h in range(10000): for channel in range(4): for pixel in range(num_pixels): hue = (h + (channel * num_pixels * 4) + (pixel * 4)) % 360 r, g, b = [int(c * brightness) for c in hsv_to_rgb(hue/360.0, 1.0, 1.0)] mote.set_pixel(channel + 1, pixel, r, g, b) time.sleep(0.01) if brightness < 255: brightness += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: mote.clear() time.sleep(0.1)