Source code for dot3k.backlight

import colorsys
import math
from sys import exit

    import sn3218
except ImportError:
    exit("This library requires the sn3218 module\nInstall with: sudo pip install sn3218")

LED_R_R = 0x00
LED_R_G = 0x01
LED_R_B = 0x02

LED_M_R = 0x03
LED_M_G = 0x04
LED_M_B = 0x05

LED_L_R = 0x06
LED_L_G = 0x07
LED_L_B = 0x08

leds = [0x00] * 18

[docs]def use_rbg(): """Swap the Green and Blue channels on the LED backlight Use if you have a first batch Display-o-Tron 3K """ global LED_R_G, LED_R_B global LED_M_G, LED_M_B global LED_L_G, LED_L_B (LED_R_G, LED_R_B) = (LED_R_B, LED_R_G) (LED_M_G, LED_M_B) = (LED_M_B, LED_M_G) (LED_L_G, LED_L_B) = (LED_L_B, LED_L_G)
[docs]def set_graph(value): """Light a number of bargraph LEDs depending upon value :param hue: hue value between 0.0 and 1.0 """ value *= 9 if value > 9: value = 9 for i in range(9): leds[9 + i] = 0 lit = int(math.floor(value)) for i in range(lit): leds[9 + i] = 255 partial = lit if partial < 9: leds[9 + partial] = int((value % 1) * 255) update()
[docs]def set(index, value): """Set a specific LED to a value :param index (int): index of the LED from 0 to 18 :param value (int): brightness value from 0 to 255 """ leds[index] = value update()
[docs]def set_bar(index, value): """Set a value or values to one or more LEDs :param index: starting index :param value: a single int, or list of brightness values from 0 to 255 """ if isinstance(value, int): set(LED_R_R + 9 + (index % 9), value) if isinstance(value, list): for i, v in enumerate(value): set(LED_R_R + 9 + ((index + i) % 9), v) update()
[docs]def hue_to_rgb(hue): """Convert a hue to RGB brightness values :param hue: hue value between 0.0 and 1.0 """ rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(hue, 1.0, 1.0) return [int(rgb[0] * 255), int(rgb[1] * 255), int(rgb[2] * 255)]
[docs]def hue(hue): """Set the backlight LEDs to supplied hue :param hue: hue value between 0.0 and 1.0 """ col_rgb = hue_to_rgb(hue) rgb(col_rgb[0], col_rgb[1], col_rgb[2])
[docs]def sweep(hue, range=0.08): """Set the backlight LEDs to a gradient centered on supplied hue Supplying zero to range would be the same as hue() :param hue: hue value between 0.0 and 1.0 :param range: range value to deviate the left and right hue """ left_hue((hue - range) % 1) mid_hue(hue) right_hue((hue + range) % 1)
[docs]def left_hue(hue): """Set the left backlight to supplied hue :param hue: hue value between 0.0 and 1.0 """ col_rgb = hue_to_rgb(hue) left_rgb(col_rgb[0], col_rgb[1], col_rgb[2]) update()
[docs]def mid_hue(hue): """Set the middle backlight to supplied hue :param hue: hue value between 0.0 and 1.0 """ col_rgb = hue_to_rgb(hue) mid_rgb(col_rgb[0], col_rgb[1], col_rgb[2]) update()
[docs]def right_hue(hue): """Set the right backlight to supplied hue :param hue: hue value between 0.0 and 1.0 """ col_rgb = hue_to_rgb(hue) right_rgb(col_rgb[0], col_rgb[1], col_rgb[2]) update()
[docs]def left_rgb(r, g, b): """Set the left backlight to supplied r, g, b colour :param r: red value between 0 and 255 :param g: green value between 0 and 255 :param b: blue value between 0 and 255 """ set(LED_L_R, r) set(LED_L_B, b) set(LED_L_G, g) update()
[docs]def mid_rgb(r, g, b): """Set the middle backlight to supplied r, g, b colour :param r: red value between 0 and 255 :param g: green value between 0 and 255 :param b: blue value between 0 and 255 """ set(LED_M_R, r) set(LED_M_B, b) set(LED_M_G, g) update()
[docs]def right_rgb(r, g, b): """Set the right backlight to supplied r, g, b colour :param r: red value between 0 and 255 :param g: green value between 0 and 255 :param b: blue value between 0 and 255 """ set(LED_R_R, r) set(LED_R_B, b) set(LED_R_G, g) update()
[docs]def rgb(r, g, b): """Set all backlights to supplied r, g, b colour :param r: red value between 0 and 255 :param g: green value between 0 and 255 :param b: blue value between 0 and 255 """ left_rgb(r, g, b) mid_rgb(r, g, b) right_rgb(r, g, b)
[docs]def off(): """Turn off the backlight.""" rgb(0, 0, 0)
[docs]def update(): """Update backlight with changes to the LED buffer""" sn3218.output(leds)
# set gamma correction for backlight to normalise brightness g_channel_gamma = [int(value / 1.6) for value in sn3218.default_gamma_table] sn3218.channel_gamma(1, g_channel_gamma) sn3218.channel_gamma(4, g_channel_gamma) sn3218.channel_gamma(7, g_channel_gamma) r_channel_gamma = [int(value / 1.4) for value in sn3218.default_gamma_table] sn3218.channel_gamma(0, r_channel_gamma) sn3218.channel_gamma(3, r_channel_gamma) sn3218.channel_gamma(6, r_channel_gamma) w_channel_gamma = [int(value / 24) for value in sn3218.default_gamma_table] for i in range(9, 18): sn3218.channel_gamma(i, w_channel_gamma) sn3218.enable()